The Cuts 2



Oil on canvas
1,20m x 1,00m

Cut 2 - Cuts that form a large and ignorant cut
How many cuts do we make in life.
Forgetting that it is whole. Forgetting that we are several cuts
That form a great and ignorant cut.
If we take the blank spaces and fill with gray matter ...
They are intellectual, critical, scholarly, contemporary.
If we cut the past we can not repeat the mistakes.
But the cuts can not be so deep ...
Because they elaborate formulas and one must fit in them,
Because we have to be contemporaries.
Contemporary that takes the cut in the right place.
Is cutting a step to the whole, or is the whole one a step to the cut?
Velazquez Cut, Lígia Cut, Amílcar Cut, Mondrian Cut.
Simply cut.